diri aku >??

Foto saya
+ sixteen years old? tue kee?
+ skull at SMK TAMAN DAYA!
+ i like DOTA ;)
+ status - SINGLE !


hello guys ! ^^
aku happy gilee kowt?
coz first time buat blogger?
and layan dota bersama member2 !
haahah . ape daaa -,-

btw, buatt blogger nih bukan senang pun.
susah nk buatt . -,-
mcm-mcm code kene copy and paste ! ;@
tapi? tak pegh :D 
aku nih kan rajin ! tersangat-sangat ^^
*perasan pulak ..
layan dota ?? :)
hurmm~ best woooo.
seronok semacam jee.
first time maen, gerenti  maen je..
tak nak stop-stop punyee .
ahaha . *suda GILE dotaa ... ;D

ape lagi ehh nk cakap?
xdee kowt.. so..
stop kt sini jee lah ..
nak layan FB plk .
k chowww~ :)